Thursday, September 20, 2012

Addicted to alcohol | Bodybuilding, Supplements, Diets, Workouts ...

It?s perfectly fine if you do not want to drink. In fact, it is a healthy choice ? one that will help you with a better lifestyle and a healthier body. People choose not to drink for several reasons ? some do not like the way alcohol tastes while others do it for health reasons. Some people do not want to get addicted to alcohol and then drink too much. For some, it is a matter of principle.

People begin to drink for various reasons too. Peer pressure, the ?looks good? factor that young people associate with it, social pressure and career issues lead people to alcohol. Some take up drinking to drown their stress or sorrows.

It might have begun with a drink or two with friends but it can soon turn into an alcoholic addiction that you can?t get rid of.


If you want to refuse alcohol and stay away from drinking, it is your choice and nobody can force you into it. You can refuse a drink or refuse a beer. Of course, there might be instances when you might come under a lot of pressure from your social group or people might even try ridiculing you to get you to pick up a drink.

But there are ways to refuse alcohol. You just need to be firm about your decision.


Ways and Reasons to Say No to Alcohol:


It might be hard to refuse a drink, when everyone else is drinking and forcing you to. In a firm yet friendly tone say ?No, thanks?.

Others might joke, ridicule or laugh. But stay calm and firm about your decision.

Do not let jibes get to you. It?s your decision and you have every right to stick to it. If you wish, provide a reason for not drinking. If you respect your reasons, then it is quite possible that others might too.

If people get too persistent, try changing the topic.

You can even volunteer to be the designated driver that night. Everyone needs someone who remains sober after the party. This might work well for you as your friends would want to reach home safe after the party is over.

Avoid lecturing others on the demerits of drinking.

You can even carry your own non-alcoholic beverages with you to the party, if you feel that alcohol is going to be more prevalent there.

Keep your distance from the bar. If you hang around it, chances are that the drinkers will try to force you into having some.

Keep a tab on your own beverage. Do not leave it unattended as someone can easily spike it.

Make your cola look like an alcoholic beverage. Nobody will ever know.

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