Friday, August 3, 2012

Blissful Citrus Thirst Quencher - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes?

Aug 02


Here is the most memorable citrus beverage that I have ever tasted, packed with flavour, and, I have to say, also the most thirst quenching drink I have ever tasted in my life.? Ideal for the summer months, and kids just love it too, what could be better ?? Feast your eyes, and enjoy the chill and delight of nature?s fruits here, all in one drink ? great to share with family and friends, and looks rather impressive too.? We shared this with friends last weekend, accompanied by a full vegan brunch, which lasted till 2am, yes ? a delightful full day indeed !!!? I have only one confession to make ? it was too good to be true, so I therefore had to make another lot. Just as well I had the energy to make more ? must have been something in the drink !

Serves 3 to 4 people, depending on glass size, and the amount of ice used.


the juices of 1 pink grapefruit, 1 lemon, 1 lime & 2 oranges

a few fresh mint leaves

? ?cinnamon stick

2? ?cups very chilled water

ice cubes

2 -3 Tbsp agave nectar, or maple syrup if you prefer (it needs it)

? cup boiling water


  1. Place the agave (or maple syrup) in a small jug, and mix with the boiling water until it melts, stirring all the time. Place the cinnamon stick in there too, and allow it to stand for a couple of minutes.
  2. Now pour the citrus juices in a glass jug, add the remaining ingredients, and, using a couple of chopsticks, mix. Taste for sweetness at this point, if you need to add a dollop more of sweet syrup do so at this point, then stir again.
  3. Add the ice, stir with your sticks, and serve after 2 to 3 minutes, so that it is super chilled. Enjoy !!!

All recipes and content ? Miriam Sorrell 2010

These are free recipes for your pleasure ? all we ask in return is that you take a few moments to leave us a constructive comment !

suitable for vegans, vegetarians and meat-eaters alike

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