Friday, June 8, 2012

Galco unholsters Facebook page

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Excess Headspace in the 1903 and ?03A3 Springfield shows how to excess headspace in the 1903 and ?03A3 Springfield rifles better than the way Granddad did it. If you have access to a lathe, use this method to correct excess headspace easily, without the need for an expensive chambering reamer.

Employing Precision Measuring Instruments

Gunsmiths need two types of measuring instruments, direct and indirect (or comparison). The indirect, or comparison, instruments include tools found in the caliper family, such as inside, outside, and hermaphrodite calipers, and dividers. Direct measuring devices include the rule, various micrometers, and dial-faced measuring tools.


Should the FBI Be Allowed
to Wiretap Facebook?

Adam Cohen writes on that ?We may all be getting a new Facebook friend soon: the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI wants to shift its wiretapping from old-school telephone lines to person-to-person platforms like email and instant messaging and even social media like Facebook. To help it make the switch, the FBI is asking Congress to require tech companies to rewrite their software so it has a ?back door? that the FBI can use to listen in.? Video: Interview with Josh Waldron, CEO Silencerco

Austin Miller from takes a minute to talk with Josh Waldron, CEO of Silencerco at the first-ever Silencers Are Legal Shoot at Elm Fork Shooting Range in Dallas, April 28.

Gun Reports Home >> News June 7, 2012

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( -- Galco Gunleather has introduced a new Facebook page. Here's what they had to say about it:

Constructed of Zuckerberg-approved synthetic, the Facebook page helps followers learn about Galco and our products in a quick, easy, transparent way.

We know everyone has a Facebook page, even the BATFE, but we weren?t sure this Facebook thing had any staying power until the IPO was announced. A week later, we figured we?d better hurry up and join before Facebook goes the way of VHS tapes and the Bren Ten.

With the Galco Facebook page, the serious gun carrier gets a fast, fun, and friendly way to communicate with Galco ? and at a price even lower than shares in an IPO.

Find Galco on Facebook at!

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